Functions Of The Ministry
The statutory functions and responsibilities of the entire Ministry include the following:
- To control government funds and revenue expenditure.
- To ensure an improvement of the internally generated revenue of the state.
- To receive and ensure effective management of the state’s allocation form the Federation Account and other sources including IGR, grants, aids and loans.
- To ensure effective and efficient management to harness government resources for optimum productivity.
- To explore avenues and means of income generation such as foreign aids and loans.
- To exploit opportunities created by the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Securities Exchange Commission and the financial sector of the economy.
- The establishment of monthly state stabilization fund.
- To formulate and implement credible and realistic economic blueprint for the State.
- To provide necessary advice to the government in areas of investment opportunities.
- To maintain and operate State accounts in addition to publishing statutory financial statements and formulation of beneficial and productive accounting policies for the state.
- To ensure strict adherence to:
- Finance Management and fiscal policy.
- Application and enforcement of Government Financial Regulations.
- Acquisition and application of loans and advances.
- Prudent management of government investments.
- Application of external financial assistance and grants.
- Rules and regulation of Boards of Survey and Inquiry.